Salary Negotiation Coaching that Boosts Your Pay
How to Add Thousands of Dollars to Your Paycheck

You’ve gotten an offer for a job that you’re excited about. Are the salary and benefits as high as they could be? Is the employer willing to offer more?
It turns out that many of us could be earning much more. For example, a Society of Human Resources Management survey revealed that most people lose up to $1,000,000 in wages over their working life that they could have earned had they negotiated their salary correctly when they took a new job.
To negotiate effectively, you must know what to say, and even more importantly, what not to say. In fact, it does not matter at all if you have a job, or just happened to be available and unemployed. If you know what to say, you’ll almost certainly put more dollars in your next paycheck.
Robin’s salary negotiation coaching will guide you on how you can add thousands of dollars to your compensation package by instructing you on what to say and what NOT to say.
“Scoring a pay hike in a new job hinges on following Robin Ryan’s Advice.” — Investors Business Daily
Proven Strategies for Salary Negotiation

Over 500 of Robin’s clients have advanced their careers and secured higher salaries using her advice. Her proven strategies and techniques teach both women and men how to obtain a higher compensation to ensure that they earn top dollar from any employer.
She works one-on-one with each client to guide them through the negotiation of their offer. Almost always her clients walk away with thousands of dollars more in their starting paycheck.
During your session with Robin, she will review the offer with you, role play the conversation to have with your employer, and teach you:
- What you should and should NOT say
- The overall negotiation strategy that can best result in a higher salary
- The cardinal rules of salary negotiations
- How to determine exactly what your skills are worth
- The fatal mistakes you must avoid
- How to secure a better benefits package – more vacation, signing bonus, etc.
After your session you’ll have what you need to get the highest possible salary and benefits from your new employer.
Career Coaching across Jobs and Industries
Professionals | Executives | Managers | MBAs | Operations | Engineering | Business | Human Resources | Sales | Marketing | Business Development | Accounting | Corporate Counsel – Legal | Creative | Supply Chain | Executive Assistant | New grads/Entry Level | & MORE!
Financial Services | Technology | Aerospace | Military | Communications, Journalism, PR | Social Media + Digital Content | Film, TV, Broadcasting | Healthcare, Bio Tech, Pharma | Professional Sports | Hospitality | Oil & Energy | Professional Services | Manufacturing | Government | Education | Non-profit | & MORE!
“I was terrified about trying to negotiate for more salary and an extra week of vacation but I forced myself to try Robin’s strategies. I’m sure glad I did, because the employer readily handed over $6,000 more and the coveted extra week off in just minutes.” — A. Stone, Project Manager
Salary Negotiation Reviews for Robin
“I followed your coaching on negotiating salary for a new HR manager position I really wanted. The interviewer played hardball during the negotiation process. With your help, I received $17,500 more in my base salary, an additional week of vacation, plus a signing bonus of $9000 and I owe all my success to you.” — L. Galinas, HR Director, Fortune 500 Company
“Every time I change jobs, I work with Robin because she always directs me on exactly what to say, which results in securing a better compensation offer. No one knows more about conducting successful salary negotiations than Robin Ryan.” — S. Bhana, CTO
“Robin gave me the tools to be even more effective in my salary negotiations and I think that’s what got me this unbelievable 37% salary increase over my last job.” — M. Borne, Manager, Fortune 500 Financial Services Company
Salary Negotiation Services Pricing
Salary Negotiation Coaching
60 Minute Online Session
Recording for your review