How To Close An Interview To Land The Job

“How do you end an interview?” asked Ken, an over 50-year-old. “Should I be bold and just say hire me, no one is better? Will I sound too cocky or demanding and lose the job?” Good questions…

Want Recruiters To Find You On LinkedIn? Do Two Critical Things

Yesterday, Pete, a sales director in his late fifties, called to say he was discouraged that no employers were reaching out to him through LinkedIn. He knew that his friend Steve had received several calls from recruiters via his LinkedIn profile to discuss a job possibility, but no one contacted him. Pete wanted help to […]

15 Job Search Strategies That Work

Job Search Tips that Work

Elizabeth called yesterday inquiring about career counseling services saying, “I read about all these job opportunities available now, but my job search is going nowhere. It’s been over ten years since I looked for a new job. I must be doing something wrong, but I don’t know what.” After a few minutes of talking with […]

Before Your Interview, Do This To Ensure You Land The Job

Too many job hunters say they don’t know how to get insider information before applying for a job or heading into an interview. It may be easier than you think to get that scoop if you use a few effective techniques to learn what the hiring manager cares about. For example, Maria was a 50-something […]

Most Job Hunters Fail When Answering this Question

A recent discussion with an HR Director at T-Mobile centered around defining the top mistakes people make in the interview. He said: “I judge candidates by the questions they ask. That’s what’s most revealing to me. I want someone focused on succeeding in the job and not just centered on how much money I will […]

Critical Job Interview Mistake You Cannot Recover From

I talked to a couple of HR directors, and we got to talking about serious mistakes individuals make in the job interview. When I pointed out one of the errors I saw, everyone in the group said, “Yes, that’s the one you can never recover from.” With so many people getting job interviews right now, […]