Career Articles

Robin Ryan, known as America’s Top Career Expert, is a prolific writer of articles and books. She has four #1 Wall Street Journal and Amazon bestselling career books with four others top sellers.

She currently publishes a column in covering a wide range of job search and career topics. Below is a selection of her most recent and popular articles.

The articles below are also organized by topics for Resumes and Cover Letters, LinkedIn, and Interviewing.

Robin writes a careers column for
Job Search Tips that Work
Job Search

15 Job Search Strategies That Work

Elizabeth called yesterday inquiring about career counseling services saying, “I read about all these job opportunities available now, but my job search is going nowhere. It’s been over ten years since I looked for a new job. I must be doing something wrong, but I don’t know what.” After a

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Most Job Hunters Fail When Answering this Question

A recent discussion with an HR Director at T-Mobile centered around defining the top mistakes people make in the interview. He said: “I judge candidates by the questions they ask. That’s what’s most revealing to me. I want someone focused on succeeding in the job and not just centered on

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Critical Job Interview Mistake You Cannot Recover From

I talked to a couple of HR directors, and we got to talking about serious mistakes individuals make in the job interview. When I pointed out one of the errors I saw, everyone in the group said, “Yes, that’s the one you can never recover from.” With so many people

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Here is a LinkedIn secret weapon for landing a job.

Here Is A LinkedIn Secret Weapon To Land A Job

Kathleen contacted me because this over-50-year-old professional needed career assistance. Her husband had gotten an executive position in a new state, and they were moving halfway across the country for his opportunity. That meant that she was going to be leaving her program manager position behind as her job had

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Creating an Impressive LinkedIn Personal Brand

How To Create An Impressive LinkedIn Personal Brand

Not everyone using LinkedIn is looking for a job. Today, John sought my help as he is the CEO and Founder of his own company. His goal was to take the skeleton profile he’d had up for years and make it a fantastic marketing tool for himself, mentioning his products

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Answers To Tough Employer Job Interview Questions

Answers To Tough Employer Job Interview Questions

“Interviews seemed to be a lot harder than I remember,” says Nick, an over-50 executive who called for Interview Prep Coaching. “I was so unprepared for some of their very difficult questions. I know I blew it.” With more employers hiring and more jobs being listed every day, the interview

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How To Hire A Resume Writer And Not Get Duped

Sarah called today because she said her friend’s friend in HR recommended me. She had previously paid $500 to have her resume “professionally written.” She lost her job back in March. To date, she has not had one response from the resume. The company that created it blamed the economy

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Take this resume quiz.

Resume Quiz To See If Employers Will Respond To Your Resume

Writing a persuasive resume is challenging for most people. Yet, a top-quality resume that effectively sells your skills and accomplishments to an employer is essential to your success. Is yours good enough to grab a recruiter’s attention? Employers report that when candidates apply for a job, many send in a

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LinkedIn Photo Tips

LinkedIn Photo Tips To Look Your Best

“It’s astounding how many people have a really poor photo of themselves on LinkedIn. It is so unprofessional,” said Sophia, an HR Specialist I had a recent discussion with. “I see so many people who pick any old picture to put up. I guess they don’t see themselves like we

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How to Open an Interview

Best Way To Open An Interview To Secure A Job Offer

“We would like you to come in for an interview.” Those wonderful words are what every job hunter wants to hear. Kathy, 55, an HR Manager, called me immediately after she got off the phone with the recruiter. She said, “This job opportunity is ideal for me. I’ve been inside

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Are employers ignoring your resume?

Employers Ignoring Your Resume? 5 Mistakes To Avoid

I recently worked with Dave, an over 50 client who had his resume written by a service, and they made his resume look sharp, eye-catching, colorful, and very creative in appeal. Unfortunately, he said, “I’ve gotten no results. What’s wrong?” Sadly, a great deal. On examination, the resume writer didn’t

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